Sunday, September 13, 2009

Recent Photo Shoot

I was walking around outside a few days ago, and I found a blackberry and raspberry patch. It also appeared that a deer or some other medium sized creature(s) had made a little home for themselves right next to it, which explained the fact that the patches were all nearly picked clean. The few that I did find were in pretty good shape, so I picked them. After trying one of them and spitting it back out because it was so bitter, I squeezed the rest in my palm. It felt good, I hadn't done that since I was a kid, the juices ran out of my fist and down my arm. I decided to take some pictures, then I got a little more creative and grabbed golden rods and leaves, eventually dirt and wood. It was fun while it lasted and it passed the time well. The shoot did not render anything greatly impressed me, however I did get a chance to check out some photos that I took at the Champlain Valley Fair two weekends ago. Here are a few from the last unload of my compact flash.

Included is a goose who got very intimate with the business end of my macro, I nicknamed him Rothgar, I felt that it fit at the time. Of course, for all I know, it could be a female. I also got shots of a guy in a Wolverine costume, chickens, cows, sheep, bonsai trees, a gigantic sand sculpture and a military band. I usually come away with some good photos after a fair, but this time, I just wanted to enjoy myself.

Joey Collier

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